Summer 2018 Art of Labor

Type: Journal
Price: $15.00
Availability: Out of Stock



- “The Transparent Fashion Revolution” by Betsy Blodgett

- “The Visible Invisible: A Ruffled Look at United States History” by Ariel Zaccheo

- “Stop Motion Craft in the Digital Age” by Kate Fenker

- “Rooted in Cloth” by Maggie Leininger


- In The Studio: “Different Shades of Red: From Historical Sources to Contemporary Practice” by Monika Auch

- Legacy: “As Busy as a Liebes Loom” by Alexa Griffith Winton

- Visual Essay: “Cotton, Indigo, and Enslavement” Introduction by Eulanda Sanders

- Emerging Voices: Lauren Salazar

- In Print: “Posters for Change: Tear, Paste, Protest” Reviewed by Elizabeth Kozlowski

- On Display: Seattle Art Museum / The International Quilt Study Center & Museum

- Exposure

- In Review: Sanctuary Reviewed by Leora Lutz, Woven Skin—Shelter of Color Reviewed by Monika Auch, and The Embedded Message: Quilting in Contemporary Art Reviewed by Susan Iverson

Neon CRM by Neon One