Fall 2018 Haptic

Type: Journal
Price: $20.00
Availability: Usually ships within 10 business days.



 "Sensing Narratives" by Francesca Rodriguez Sawaya 

"Do Not Touch" by Freddie Robins 

"Domesticated Ghosts: The Art of Kaiya Rainbolt" by Kerianne Quick 

"Hidden Threads: Fungal-Plant Partnerships" by Lindsay Olson 



Exposure: A gallery of international SDA members 

Fiber in Film: "Compendium: Textiles in Your Favorite Films" by Lauren Sinner 

In The Studio: Vaçide Erda Zimic 

First Person: David Naranjo 

Emerging Voices: Hannah O’Hare Bennett 

Spotlight on Education: "FiberLAB" by Jodi Colella 

In Dialogue: "Cardboard Fiction: the Work of Dosshaus" by Leora Lutz

In Review: "Making Change: The Art and Craft of Activism" reviewed by Alison Gates 

In Review: "Lisa Oppenheim: Spine | Derrick Adams: Transmission" reviewed by Jessica Hemmings

Neon CRM by Neon One