Winter 2022 Traditions & Techniques in Beading

Type: Journal
Price: $20.00
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Winter 2022 / Volume 46 / Number 4

06 Party Beads by Rebekah Frank
12 Nafis M. White’s Homage to Black Women’s Steadfast Creativity Through Braiding 

and Beading by Paulette Young, Ph.D
18 An Everyday Chat About David Chatt by matt lambert
24 Contemporary Indigenous Beading by Dr. Manuela Well-Off-Man
30 The Bead King by Jessica Hemmings


36 Exposure
A Gallery of SDA Members’ Work

38 In Conversation
Seed of Memory: The Beaded Works of Erica van Zon
by Jane Groufsky

42 In The Studio
Beads in the Cosmos
by Nora McGinnis

44 In The Studio
by Lynne Sausele

46 Spotlight On Education
Beading Material and Meaning in the Parsons MFA Textiles Program 
by Anette Millington

48 First Person
Beadwork: An Artist’s Choice
by Sébastien Carré

52 Legacy
From an Empress to a Marquise: The Journey of Haute Couture Embroidery
by Rebecca Devaney

56 First Person
by Lorenzo Nanni

60 Informed Source
A Suite of New Beaded Surfaces and Linkages
by Kate McKinnon

62 On Display
Radical Stitch
reviewed by Katie Wilson

Neon CRM by Neon One